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105 galleriesNews and Current affairs photographs of protests, parades, coronavirus pandemic politicians, policing, emergency services, floods, basically anything news worthy
17 galleriesImages of towns, cities and villages from around inland Britain.
2 galleriesAmusing and funny, fun pictures that I hope will raise a smile or even a laugh
139 galleriesAll things Celebrity, famous and entertainment. Shows, Concerts, Personal appearances, Photo-calls, book signing,
8 galleriesMilitary Images, including British forces training and deployed, Military ceremony, historical reenactment and Military Vehicles
26 galleriesPhotographs of Britain's Coastline and the towns and villages on the coast
4 galleriesPhotographs of extremes of British Weather from Floods to Blizzards to Droughts
4 galleriesImages of domestic animals and local wild life concentrating on the animals we all se everyday
31 images